Thursday, February 19, 2009

The New Green Revolution.

Global warming blah blah blah, fossil fuels, methane gasses, mmhmm. If you have a TV, or Internet, you know what all this is about. Actually, i'd only forgive people cut off from "civilization" for not knowing about this. And i'm glad you know about thinking green, and more power to you if you do, but here's something i was thinking about.

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This new "Green" revolution, right? Is it really one big modern day hippie sorta movement, or is it one HUUUUUGE fucking marketing conspiracy designed perfectly to boost sales. Now, don't take offence if you are one of the drones that feeds off this crap. I'm sorry, but i just can't swallow it, let alone tofu.....and if you are one of those drones i know you eat tofu....i know!

See, on one hand i think it is all a good idea. Make energy efficient products to save energy, use biodegradeable packaging for whatever you're selling, use renewable sources of energy where possible, you know the drill. And more power to them. Look at Tesla Motors. Who ever thought an electric car would almost match up to a Lotus Elise (sorry ladies. Just know this thing is fast and its never been possible until now).

And lets not stop there. I mean, everything these days is going green. I've seen designer furniture made from recycled materials. Apparel, jewelery, even a couple of car manufacturers are using recycled plastic for their cars. But are all of them really telling the truth about their products being green.

I'm all for conspiracy theories, so i've thought this one out a little. What if that "green" label on your new plasma is just a "green" sticker that cost them what, 2 cents (i don't know production costs of green stickers) to make, but will cost you an extra $500 (evidently i don't know prices of plasmas either) when you buy it. Now you might like this, being a hippie and all.

You go home feeling all happy, with that "oh boy i'm so cool. i'm doing something for mother earth" look on your face. You plug that sucker in, fire it up and enjoy your new 54" (yes?) picture. Meanwhile, that thing is chewing electricity just as much as the next plasma which was $500 less and didn't have the green sticker..... Ok so maybe this doesn't happen, but who even checks? Right? RIGHT?

So we've covered the good, and the conspiracy (the bad). Now how about the ugly. The hippies. Yes you twits that buy something just because its "green", and no i DON'T mean the colour. Pay attention. It could be a dash of tall poppy syndrom (more about that condition later) but i just don't like you for buying something "green" for the image you get walking down the road with your "green" packaging, containing your "green" device. Its like South Park and that episode when everyone bought a Hybrid Car.

You smug bastards haha. Honestly, if there's more people like me out there (and i'm sure there are), we couldn't give two shits if your new phone is green or not (because if we did, you green people would accuse us of polluting the earth cos one shit is enough). I just wanna know how much, what it can do, and how good it looks.

Ahhhh i just love my rants. I think i'm gonna start posting more rants.
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