Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tribute to Why-Not

Early this morning, up before the sun, headed straight for my laptop and headphones. Yes, you can breathe now. The mix should be up by the end of this post and i got one thing to say......The Gigitsu has arrived. Probably not my best mix ever, one or two hiccups in there and i WILL get around to redoing it at some point, but given the fact i havent done this in what, 9 months?

I took mostly new tracks, mostly stuff u wanna go crazy and dance too or just scream your fucking head off. If you want track names or the list, u can email me or leave a comment and i will be more than happy to oblige. If the link is down, do the same thing so i can fix it. But really, i'm happy with what i have accomplished the point i refuse to take of my headphones. I'm making breakfast with them on looking like a neckbrace around my neck. I even got so caught up during the mix i might have shed a few tears cos the tunes were just......aaagh ma gaaad.

It's time this the year of Gigitsu?

I should fucking hope so. (BTW Why-Not is a club in Vienna that i used to go to alot. Still one of my favourites :)

Gigitsu - Why-Not 2009.mp3
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